Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Set Me On Fire

We've all had "relationships" the ones that are good, bad, a little bit of both, but when our so called love life goes south time after time and we keep getting hurt, do we really learn? what are we doing to ourselves? Why do we keep putting ourselves through the pain? When is enough, enough? I totally get the whole "You live and you learn" thing but how many times will we endore the crying, the feeling that it's all you, the binge eating, screaming depressing music, and the thought that I feel most females get that might as well be lesbians. It doesn't matter how long you're with someone what matters is how much you feel for someone. Why do we let ourselves fall and be vaunruable? Is it worth it when it all comes crashing down? The feeling of a knot in your stomach. The feeling when you're out in public and your heart is beating up out of your chest to the attic of your throat only to suicide itself onto the floor. Why do we let men pluck open our ribs like cello strings? Because it feels nice in the midst of it, that's why. Men should come with a warning in they're not the one. 
 Caution: This will hurt more than anything has before!
Enter at own Risk: I will make you feel like a worthless piece of shit! 
But like Kelly Clarkston said "The trouble with love is it doesn't care how fast you fall and you can't refuse the call, see you got no say at all." And really, who doesn't want to be in love? I'm pretty sure all girls have dreamed about the day that we walk down the aisle in a beautiful white dress. We all want a love like Noah & Allie, Jack & Rose, Vivian & Edward, Rhett & Scarlett, Thomas J & Vada, Harry & Sally, Carrie & Big, Tony & Maria, hell even like Troy & Gabriellla. Love is amazing. It's beautiful. It might be worth the pain. 
I guess I'm saying that yes, love is a battlefield, and you'll have boyfriends for a summer, a few weeks, maybe years and all in all, you live and you learn. 
You'll learn what to stay away from in the future and if you are as lucky as I am, you'll learn what kind of love and what kind of man you should hold out for. 
Don't be afraid to take a break. It can be a few months, years, however long you need. But also, don't be afraid to throw on your big girl panties, FMP's, LBD, and some Chanel 5, hit the town, and see what happens. By no means am I saying go out on a wild goose chase for love when you're ready. It will find you and it will all happen when it's meant to. 
Men are stupid and I don't care how great yours is, they are all assholes. And one day you'll find your asshole. 
One day your douchey prince will come and it really will be worth it. 

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